This model driver implements the regularization method as introduced by Fraley and Raftery (2007) for univariate normal mixtures. Default parameters for the regularization are taken from that paper. We extend this to the multivariate case assuming independence between variables within components, i.e., we only implement the special case where the covariance matrix is diagonal. For more general applications of normal mixtures see package mclust.
formula = . ~ .,
zeta_p = NULL,
kappa_p = 0.01,
nu_p = 3,
A formula which is interpreted relative to the formula
specified in the call to flexmix::flexmix()
. Only the left-hand side (response)
of the formula is used. Default is to
use the original model formula specified in flexmix::flexmix()
Scale (hyperparameter for IG prior). If not given the empirical variance divided by the square of the number of components is used as per Fraley and Raftery (2007).
Shrinkage parameter. Functions as if you added
observations according to the population mean to
each component (hyperparameter for IG prior)
Degress of freedom (hyperparameter for IG prior)
Number of components in the mixture model (not used if zeta_p is given)
an object of class "FLXC"
For the regularization the conjugate prior distributions for the normal distribution are used, which are:
Normal prior with parameter mu_p
and sigma^2/kappa_p
for the mean.
Inverse Gamma prior with parameters nu_p/2
and zeta_p^2/2
for the
is computed from the data as the overall means across all components.
A value for the scale hyperparameter zeta_p
may be specified directly.
Otherwise the empirical variance divided by the square of the number of
components is used as per Fraley and Raftery (2007). In which case the
number of components (parameter G
) needs to be specified.
Ernst, D, Ortega Menjivar, L, Scharl, T, Grün, B (2025). Ordinal Clustering with the flex-Scheme. Austrian Journal of Statistics. Submitted manuscript.
Fraley, C, Raftery, AE (2007) Bayesian Regularization for Normal Mixture Estimation and Model-Based Clustering. Journal of Classification, 24(2), 155-181
# example data
data("iris", package = "datasets")
my_iris <- subset(iris, select=setdiff(colnames(iris), "Species")) |>
# cluster one model with a scale parameter similar to the default for 3 components
m1 <- stepFlexmix(my_iris~1,
model=FLXMCregnorm(zeta_p=c(0.23, 0.06, 1.04, 0.19)),
#> 3 : * * *
#> Call:
#> stepFlexmix(my_iris ~ 1, model = FLXMCregnorm(zeta_p = c(0.23,
#> 0.06, 1.04, 0.19)), k = 3)
#> prior size post>0 ratio
#> Comp.1 0.383 71 150 0.473
#> Comp.2 0.275 29 150 0.193
#> Comp.3 0.343 50 150 0.333
#> 'log Lik.' -683.2037 (df=26)
#> AIC: 1418.407 BIC: 1496.684
# rand index of clusters vs species
randIndex(clusters(m1), iris$Species)
#> ARI
#> 0.6311837
# cluster one model with default scale parameter
m2 <- stepFlexmix(my_iris~1,
#> 3 : * * *
#> Call:
#> stepFlexmix(my_iris ~ 1, model = FLXMCregnorm(G = 3), k = 3)
#> prior size post>0 ratio
#> Comp.1 0.552 94 150 0.6267
#> Comp.2 0.107 6 146 0.0411
#> Comp.3 0.341 50 150 0.3333
#> 'log Lik.' -684.242 (df=26)
#> AIC: 1420.484 BIC: 1498.76
# rand index of clusters vs species
randIndex(clusters(m2), iris$Species)
#> ARI
#> 0.5596496
# rand index between both models (should be around 0.8)
randIndex(clusters(m1), clusters(m2))
#> ARI
#> 0.6833932